Avyakt BapDada 8th June 1973
Out of all of the powers, do you know the main power? You consider yourselves to be master almighty authorities, do you not? Out of all of the powers, which is the most elevated power?
Just as there are - in the study - many subjects, but out of these there is one special main subject.. so too, all the powers are essential, but out of all of the powers, one power is the elevated power. Which one? A power that is so essential, that it is difficult to become a maharathi (elephant rider) or a mahavir (great soul) without it? Of course, all of the powers are essential - each one is connected with the others; but which is the number-one power, that will bring all of the other powers close? (“The power to discern”) .
To have self-realisation is also the power to discern. Self-realisation means to discern, and to know the self. Only when you first discern the Father, will you be able to recognise him. when you recognise him, you will be able to come close to him, and to become similar to him. The power to discern is the number one power. In common words, to discern means the power to know. The first basis of knowledge is to recognise the Father - that is, to discern that this task, that is being carried out by me, is the Father’s.
First of all, the power to discern is essential. The power to discern is also known as the stage of being knowledge-full. What is the detail of the power to discern? And what is the attainment through that? You can have a discussion amongst yourselves on this topic.
When the players in a game are of an equal level, they enjoy playing that game. Whilst playing a game, there is a meeting. In that game, whilst playing the game, you become friends. That is a physical game. Here too, whilst playing a game, there is a meeting in the closeness of souls. There is the meeting of the sanskars and natures of souls.
Those who are companions in a game, are very close. They fulfil this responsibility until the end of their lives. Together with this spiritual game, they fulfil the responsibility of life until the end, and this is why the symbol of this meeting is the rosary. When, at the end, you come close to one another in all aspects - when there is the meeting - each bead comes very close to the next, and joins itself, and a rosary is then created. The rosary is a symbol of the meeting. Achcha.
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